Effective CS teachers continuously develop their knowledge, practice, and professional identity to keep pace with the rapidly evolving discipline.
Effective CS teachers are reflective practitioners who self-examine their pedagogy, teaching strategies, strengths, and areas that need improvement or revision. This self-reflection helps teachers develop changes in attitudes and awareness, which lead to their professional growth and ability to support their students.
Below are four actions that CS teachers can take to support their ongoing professional learning.
1 | Complete a Self-Reflection Checklist to analyze individual strengths and areas for improvement aligned to the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers. |
2 | Use the Roadmap for Professional Learning to identify areas of focus for professional learning and begin planning activities to support development of these target knowledge and skills. |
3 | Plan for specific professional development opportunities that will enhance or improve your professional knowledge and skills. |
4 | Participate in professional learning communities to learn from other educators, share best practices, and troubleshoot common challenges. |
NEW! If you organize professional development and want to guide teachers in a self-reflection and goal setting process, see this CSTA Standards for CS Teachers: Reflective Teachers PD in a Box.